
Manual de cardiologia veterinaria pdf creator
Manual de cardiologia veterinaria pdf creator

For example, exacerbated activation ofthe sympathetic nervous system developed during heart failure associated with mitralvalve disease can be monitored by measuring the plasma concentration ofnorepinephrine (NE), which is associated with severe symptoms and a higher risk ofdeath. 2 Other tests have been identified as useful in monitoring theprogression of this valvular heart disease. The concentrations of plasma NT-proBNP were measured in duplicate using acommercial ELISA kit specific for canine NT-proBNP (Vet Sign Canine CardioSCREENNT- Pro-BNP kit, Guildhay, UK).Diagnostic tests, such as electrocardiography, echocardiography, chest radiography,and blood pressure measurement, are routinely used to evaluate these patients andthe effectiveness of their treatments. Specific kits forautomated equipment were used to measure urea and creatinine levels (DimensionRXL). NE levels were determined by high-performanceliquid chromatography with an electrochemical detector, (Model 515, Waters Corp,Milford, MA, USA) and sodium (Na) levels were analyzed with a selectiveelectrode (Dimension RXL, Dade Behring, Newark, DE, USA). Within 1 hour of blood collection, the plasma and serum were separatedand immediately frozen at -70☌. The subsequent3 to 5 mL of blood were collected and immediately transferred to ice-chilledtubes containing a mixture of ethylene glycol tetraacetic acid - glutathione (20 µL of anticoagulant/mL of blood) for NE analysis.Other samples were collected from the same catheter and transferred to an EDTAtube for NT-proBNP measurement and into a plain tube for other biochemicalanalyses. The dog was then placed in lateral recumbency on a table with minimalrestraint for 20 minutes.The first mL of blood collected from the catheter was discarded. Anappropriately sized heparinized catheter was inserted into the saphenous vein ofeach dog. īlood samples were obtained early in the morning for measurement of plasmaconcentrations of NE, NT-proBNP, and other biochemical variables. Cutoff values for the concentrationsof this peptide have been established and used to estimate the risk of the onset ofcongestive heart failure and to predict mortality in dogs with mitral valvedisease.

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Inveterinary medicine, studies in dogs have suggested that NT-proBNP is a marker ofthe presence and severity of cardiac disease. , The importance of the amino-terminal pro-B-typenatriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), an inactive amino-terminal fragment of theprohormone brain natriuretic peptide, has been recognized in recent years.

manual de cardiologia veterinaria pdf creator

Diagnostic tests, such as electrocardiography, echocardiography, chest radiography,and blood pressure measurement, are routinely used to evaluate these patients andthe effectiveness of their treatments.

Manual de cardiologia veterinaria pdf creator